Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Google Analytics

After two years of blogging, I listed AnglophileinLA on Google Analytics to see if anyone besides my immediate family reads this thing. I know, I know, that's really un-tech savvy of me to have waited this long. But really, this blog has had two purposes for me - as a resume supplement for my writing, and for my own enjoyment. And my mom likes it.

I opened up Google Analytics today and found this: 126 visits from the United States (thanks mom); 14 visits from the United Kingdom; 14 visits from Brazil...; 5 visits from Germany; 4 from France; 4 from Poland; 3 from Argentina; 3 from Spain; 3 from Canada; and 2 from Lithuania.

A total of 204 visits. And I just started tracking last week.

So, to my mysterious visitors: Welcome! And I have some questions. Why did you click on this site? What were you hoping or expecting to find?

Google Analytics torments me. I want to know what people find interesting about my blog. Why, why do they come? And why aren't my friends in Japan reading my blog? Huh?


Pocketmouse said...

Google Analytics eh? Hmmm. I should look that up.

Jessi said...

But... you just started tracking last week! I check back here every once in awhile :) Check again and I'm sure Japan will come up now!

Lauren said...

Hah, it's ok Jessi, I was joking on that. I know you check my site. :)

The Prodigal Tourist said...

Prodigal Wife swears by statcounter.com, have you tried that? Anyway, we have something for you...pop on in when you have a mo!

Lauren :) said...

I've got site meter on mine. It's a little terrifying, since it's supposed to be immune to google searches, but then I get people from like Israel and other random places checking in from time to time....

Anonymous said...

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